Best Management Practices
Experiences with, observations, and Penn State Removal and Best Management Practice Documentation
Invasive Writeups on
Litter Solutions
Pennsylvania, NewJersey, and Philadelphia all have interesting nonprofit initiatives which: can help stop litter, help clean up liter offers a free trashcan with supplemental trash removal service for your Philadelphia Block
Glitter and Philly311 offer services which cleanup litter in Philadelphia
KeepPABeautiful offers cameras to stop dumping
New Jersey Dep offers services which clean up dumped litter
Open Space Management - No Mow Meadow schedule
By adjusting meadow mowing schedules to not mow between April and August can establish a meadow protecting ground nesting wildlife
-PA Game Commission offers Wildlife friendly open space management advice
Open Space Preservation - Chester County purchases all open space
After adding a referendum question to their ballot, 82% percent of Chester County citizens voted to purchase the majority of Chester County's open space.
Waterway Management - Cool Creeks with trees for trout
Planting trees along creeks lessens the temperature of the water creating a trout friendly habitat.
Storm Water Management - Grates prevent litter from entering waterways
New Jersey's Department of Environmental Protection (NJ Dep) developed a policy that can protect our waterways from litter.
Find out how to:
retrofit existing storm water grates
download their documentation to implement your own waterway friendly Storm water policy
Memorandum of Understand (MOU) per Watershed
An MOU helps coordinate, collaborate, and communicate initiatives around water quality, recreation, and storm water management within inter-jurisdictional watersheds.
Find out how to implement a MOU for your inter-jurisdictional watershed.
Storm Water Management - (MS4) through Naturalization and Riparian Buffers
MS4 is how our government(s) communicate stormwater management infrastructure, development, and any other changes which can effect stormwater. Annual MS4 reports summarize localized goals and our local governments' progress versus these stromwater lessening projects to prevent flooding in priority flood zones mapped out by the federal government.
Karst Topography and Storm water = sinkholes
Problem: We designed storm water management systems in places where it could develop sink holes.
Solution: Don't use storm water retention basins where there is limestone bedrock.
The Pennsylvania counties that may have limestone bedrock and affected by sink holes the most are Berks, Cumberland, Lehigh, Lebanon, Franklin. Municipalities, businesses, zoning boards, and Private land are all effected by this issue, if there is a retention basin over limestone you may have a problem.
If you have an old retention basin on limestone bedrock on your property, you should redesign the storm water management on the property possibly diverting storm water from that basin to limit sink holes from developing.
Reforestation - Solutions for common tree planting problems
Nutrient Management - prevent excess fertilizer
Excess fertilizer and nutrients in our waterways create algae blooms in our streams, rivers, lakes and ocean which removes the oxygen from the water causing fish kills when the fish swim through water without oxygen.
Zero Waste Consulting and Services - (ECHO Systems)
Zero Waste as a service Learn more about ECHO Systems'
Learn more about their Container Refund Program (CRP)