Storm Water Grates that prevent litter from entering the waterway
Storm Water grates that prevent litter from entering waterways
November 16, 2022|Community, Ecological News, Municipal Best Practices
Solid and Floatables Capture Storm Water grates
Protect our Streams, Creeks, Rivers, and Oceans from rubbish that enters our local Storm Water systems.
Examples of Storm Water Solid Capture Grates
You can advocate to protect your local waterways by asking your local city or municipality to review New Jersey's Public Complex Storm Water Guidance documentation. By implementing a similar policy in your community, you can help the environment by lessening the amount of trash that enters our waterways.
New Jersey's Department of Environmental Protection (NJ DEP) has developed a great policy around protecting their waterways from Litter entering their waterways so we all can benefit.
Their Public Complex Storm Water Guidance documentation offers detailed instruction of how to implement a successful Solid and Floatable Control initiative in your community.
It is possible to Retro Fit the curbing
Opportunity to upgrade to Bicycle safe grates on the roadways to also help protect cyclists
Public now has expects the waterways would be clean
Blown over trash bins, or litter now have a second chance at being cleaned up by the street sweeper (3 times a year)
Beautifying our waterways - through this effort preventing rubbish in your community helps all communities downstream
New Jersey Department of Transportation(NJ DEP) - Public Complex Storm Water Guidance Documentation, Chapter 7- Solids and Floatable Control
New Jersey Department of Transportation(NJ DEP) - Private Storm Water Management Ordinance
Storm Water solid capture initiatives have a huge down stream effect on the litter in other municipalities by lessening the storm water system constant source of reoccurring litter.
The public no longer sees the litter float down the stream.
The litter no longer ends up on stream banks as storm water recedes.
Volunteers that repeatedly pickup litter can now focus on other tasks to better the community.