Reforestation - Solutions for Common Problems
Remediation Project design and funding
Grants, Partnerships, In-Kind Donations
Grants usually come with more constraints and oversite
you may have to have the money up front to purchase and implement your project, grants are usually reimbursements of your investment. Remember you can always use something like a 401k loan to initially fund your project. It is nice to have the assets from grants such as caging and tools.
you will have to have a certain percentage of the requested grant value as a monetary match toward the grant, volunteer hours count at going labor rate toward that money match constraint
you will need to keep notes on volunteers, to show who volunteered to get that volunteer match labor rate
keep notes on you administration time as it also counts toward labor value added to the match
Partnering organizations may offer materials to help execute their initiative normally gifting the materials to nonprofits and charities so you do not have to pay for the materials.
Partnerships make it so nonprofits do not have to do all the grant paperwork
Reach out to your local County / City / Township / or Borough's Public Works they may be willing to help with heavy machinery making your project that much easier
County Conservation Districts
Conservation Districts can help you with figuring out property ownership
help find available grants that fit your project
help find collaborate with municipalities and other nonprofits
instruct on how to implement best management practices
In-Kind Donations to nonprofits
Many large companies offer In-Kind donations of services where they can offer your nonprofit a services for free or at a large discount. It is worth pursuing In-kind donations.
Domain Name
Google Workspace
Google hosted Website
$10,000 a month toward Google ads
Youtube Nonprofit
Google Maps
Finding Volunteers
There are many different websites that help find volunteers near you. has a great free version which allow you to do almost everything except:
Events over 250 tickets
Emailing your volunteers directly doesn't allow volunteers to sign up for a specify date/time
You will get an email that someone is interested and you will have to then figure out when they want to volunteer
You could send then a link to Eventbrite where they can sign up for a specific date/time
Make your Volunteer match project a summary of your initiatives
Reach out to local Restorative Justice groups (Court Ordered Community Service)
Reach out to other local volunteer groups they may be looking for different opportunities
Site Preparation
Tree, Deer Protection procurement
Container trees
Best bang for the buck is pioneer species container saplings which come in plastic packs of 25 or 36 (dependent on the nursery). @ $125 for 25 saplings. (Pioneer species such as River Birch and Tulip Poplar grow very rapidly and establish a nice canopy quickly.)
For larger bang for the buck trees #2 gallon container trees around 3-4 ft, you may have to unfurl the roots but are larger at a good price at a nursery
Container Saplings will need to be picked up or have to pay the delivery charge in a box truck
Bareroot trees
Bareroot save you the drive of the tree pickup and/or the cost of the delivery of the container trees
Deer Protection
Tubex - Circular tube one inside the other so that some have less diameter than others
Plantra - comes flatten and doesn't easily conform into a circle
Oak Stake - Oak do not last past 3 years, Deer with rub and break your stakes where you will constantly need to reset a shorter stake
Plantra fiberglass stake - if the ground is rocky the fiberglass may shatter when it hits a rock
fiberglass stakes bend with a deer rubbing instead of breaking like Oak
fiber glass also bends with the strong current of a flooded stream for riparian buffers
Riparian Buffer / Erosion control planting different that planting a tree
If you dig hole like a normal tree planting, if the area floods regularly your tree or shrub will be instantly eroded where you disturbed the soil taking you plant with the current
Tubex creates an eddie current directly over your plant making the problem worse
use live stakes and just jam them in a predrilled hole without digging
use the shovel slit technique and put your tree roots in a slit rather that disturbing the soil
Fiber glass stakes work well bending with the current
Wood Chips
Don't pay for wood chips
Use - this is a service which helps Landscapers get rid of chipped trees for $20 fee.
Select Gardener as a person who would like to request 20 yards of wood chips
For Tree plantings, ask to not receive Black Walnut and eucalyptus wood chips because they have allelopathy which will, kill, prevent or stunt the growth of your trees
If you are asking to get a chip drop at a location you do not own, use the support email and provide the GPS coordinates and the Land Owner Agreement to provide you have permission to get chips at that location.
Ask the local Municipality, County, or Park you are working in for free wood chips
Wood Chips will give you a better mortality rate for your trees and shrubs to survive
3-3-3 rule (3 feet diameter, 3 inches from the Trunk, no more than 3 inches high)
Holds in the moisture - so it doesn't just evaporate instantly, difference between your tree surviving the first 2 seasons when it doesn't rain for a week and half
Provides nutrients to your tree/ Shrub
Helps keep weeds from growing and taking the moisture from the soil
Tree Spacing
Do you have a maintenance person mowing the tree planting?
Find out the normal mower width and make sure you space your trees with enough room for them to mow between.
In this circumstance, space the trees out so that they can develop without competition research each species canopy Diameter/Radius.
Do you have current invasive you are trying to prevent from coming back?
You could plant trees closer together to develop a canopy faster to help prevent invasive growth by blocking sunlight.
Below is some incite into the rate and reach of tree species so that you do not have to tend your reforestation project for decades.
Tree Species Dependent and goal dependent:
Dense forest with a connected canopy
Quickest to fill an area with connected tree canopy
River Birch can grow very rapidly, colonize, and develop a 15 foot radius canopy in 5 years (you can plant them farther apart and still develop a connecting canopy fairly quickly you can plant them, 25-30 ft spacing, if planted next to other river birch)
Tulip Poplar grows very rapidly and has a pretty nice horizontal radius (17-20 ft spacing)
Pin Oaks - Grow faster than Swamp White Oak, and do reach horizontally (15-17 ft spacing)
Possible but doesn't reach horizontally as fast
Sycamore - grow rapidly but taller first and do not (10-15 ft)
Grow Differently, biodiversity
Swamp White Oak - (Full Sun) grow slower and can persist in the understory, they will not develop a canopy quickly, insects love these
Sweet Bay Magnolia - (Full Sun to partial Shade) Many Trunks slower growth doesn't reach horizontally to develop canopy, persistent succulent type leaves, smells great, leaves stay through out winter most of the time.
Establishing A Reforestation remediation project (year 1-2)
Watering, Wood Chips
Have wood chips to hold in moisture
Water Barrels - Water when it doesn't rain in 10 days for the first 2 seasons when it needs it (95% mortality)
Make sure to weed whack/ Remove weeds first week in July. (There will be rapid growth)
Tend tubex / Staking - Deer will rub and brake stakes, monitor your project every 2 weeks for the first 2 years
Tend Caging it will come loose due to temperature changes
Look for Invasive vines on our trees, if you have oriental bitter sweet of honey suckle vine, it takes forever to remove from cages just cut it at the base of the cage and pull up the root, leave the vine on the cage until you plan on moving it. Do not move cages with invasives on them so they do not spread.
Remove weeds from inside the tubex
Notice trends, look for voles, disease, or unwanted Calary Pear and Honey Locust that birds pooped in your tubex
You could take action on voles by putting something around the trees. (Protect Black gums with Tubex at the base if they are in cages)
Shrubs, wait until they develop berries and they get eaten by birds for a season
Tubex around the based of a Elderberry shrub that deer destroy every year.
Short shrub Tubex - is constantly grazed by deer, they will eat the foliage before it ever develops berries
Caging - use caging until the shrub develops berries and the birds can eat and spread them for a season
Remove the Cage - move the cage to another smaller shrub in Tubex for it to also develop
Cut half a shrub tubex and place it back around the base of the shrub that had been developed with berries with a zip tie, so you know it is a shrub and you can weed whack it tending
Established Planting Problems - year (3-5)
Voles - will either eat your trees or farm them
Problem / Eaten:
(5 yr - Sycamore 2 inch) Completely eaten by a hungry Vole. When eaten to the roots and left untended, sycamores will not grow back if they look like this.
Notice if your tree looks tilted, then try to pick it up, it may be in a Vole borrow hole. This will look like your tree is in a golf hole like a flag.
Solution: Replant.
If you find a sycamore eaten like this in time, before it comes out of dormancy, replant it! It will grow even if it is 20 feet tall. Just jam it right back in the ground.
Sycamores can be a source of live-stakes used to propagate the species for wetland erosion control.
(4 yr - Sycamore 1.5 inch) Eaten a few Nibbles by a vole, Looks like it gets a disease. (Have hope.)
It doesn't always work out but this may be a tree with multiple suckers that turn into multiple competing leaders / trunks.
Possible source of live-stakes or cut it into smaller branches and jam them back in the ground or around a stream.
Farmed: (4 yr - Sycamore 1.5 inch) Eaten bark a few Nibbles by a vole, Looks like it gets a disease. (Have hope.)
Farmed: The Leader (main trunk) dies then multiple competing leaders emerge. Possibly "farming" the Sycamores.
Vole Prevention Methods
2a mixed stone around tree like wood chips, they will dug up to the rocks and then turn around
Wire Mesh directly around base of tree
Tubex around base of tree
Vole diet preferences - what voles like and don't like to eat
Voles don't like eating Tulip Poplar and Hickory
Voles will eat your Black Gum trees first like little Beavers, then they will move on to eating Sycamores.
Voles may "Farm" your Sycamores - For many of the Sycamores that voles had eaten just the bark around the base of 2-3 inch trunks of 6-7 year old Sycamores, this only killed the original leader trunk and many came up in its place. (Possibly to have more food in the future.)
Using metal cages instead of Tubex or Plantra provides voles protection from Predators such as hawks which cannot eat the voles while they are eating the trees in your cages.
Tubex and Plantra tubes provide a barrier that the voles cannot comfortably fit in.
Tubex and Plantra pressed down into the soil around the tree further protects the tree. (But.. If you start off the growth of the tree with the Tubex pressed down into the soil it may prevent your tree from getting moisture and uproot it when you try to lift the Tubex up to tend the tree later. Press the Tubex down into the ground a little after a year or 2 of being planted.)
Keep your Tubex, Caging, or Plastic mesh on the tree
Deer with rub on your tree even though they are 5-6 inch inch diameter
If you want to take caging off to use else where because of horizontal growth of branches, Replace with Plastic Mesh deer protection or cut Tubex vertically and place around tree as protection after removing cage.
Tubex is perforated and can stay on the tree, it will break off
River Birch has so many branches you can take the Tubex, or caging off after a few years and reuse it without the deer ripping them up too bad.