Mill Creek - (Green Lane) Levittown, PA
Mill Creek at Green Lane in (Levittown, PA)- Tree Planting to Lessen erosion, water temperature, storm water, while providing native habitat for wildlife
Sign up to Volunteer on Eventbrite:
5 native trees and 200 native livestake shrubs as Riparian Buffer / Flood Plain
Fortify existing dikes from erosion
Plant live stakes along creek bank to prevent erosion
Plant wetland trees that will survive in normally wet conditions
Plant Trees along the bare creek bank to lessen creek temperature
Replant trees that the beaver had eaten
Along Mill Creek in Levittown, Bristol Township PA we are installing a riparian buffer to help lessen storm water and erosion. The area is a beaver's home who created a nice native habitat. The area looks distressed because of the many standing dead wood trees. It looks like a ghost forest. This was recently caused by a beaver that built a dam which allowed creek water to access a flood plain that a dike normally had prevented in the past. This caused the hydrology of the soil which kill the trees there. We will plant wetland trees that can survive in that area to help with lessening storm water. This will also beautify the area with native shrubs for erosion control and redevelop a canopy of trees in the ghost forest area as well as along the creek bank.
Dates of volunteer events:
Tree source: Excel Events and Penn State - Master Watershed Stewards
3 acres 50 trees, 50 shrubs (will be planted in the spring 2024)
Saturday 4- 6-24 from 10:30 to 12 noon we will plant live stakes for erosion control.
Saturday 4-27-24 from 9am to 12 noon we will plant trees in the wetland and along creek.
With the help of Penn State Master Watershed Stewards, we will plant live stakes harvested from local native shrubs to help lessen erosion and propagate native plants in the area.
Native Trees and Shrubs, Timeline, and Partners
Timeline Tree planting Spring 2023
12-15-2023 - Land owner agreement with Bucks County
April 2024 - we will plant the Trees and shrubs
Bucks County Conservation District
Keystone 10 Million Trees
Native Shrubs
Live Stakes from Native Elderberry and Red Dosier Dogwood
Project Updates
(4-6-24) - Livestakes and Tree Planting
On Saturday 4-16-2024, Penn State - Master Watershed Stewards provided 250 live stakes (of native Shrubs for erosion control), along with the help of Master Watershed Stewards, Sewa and Excel Events volunteers, we planted 5 River Birch and half of the live stakes at this site. 125 live stakes were planted on both sides of the creek and in the Ghost forest to start to get some green back in the ghost forest with wetland loving trees.
The Live stakes consisted of species such as:
-Red osier dogwood
-Black willow
-Silky willow
-Shining Willow
-Pussy Willow
-Silky dogwood
-Nanny berry
(4-28-24) - Most Livestakes sprouted here
On Sunday 4-28-2024, I checked on the live stakes, and river birch we planted and most of the live stakes sprouted and are doing great. 2 river birch in the ghost forest look good and 2 river birch on the other side of the creek look good (but have red leaves, whatever that means) 1 river birch was torn out of the dike probably by a beaver, wildlife, or a storm. Sycamore like stakes look good also.
The Live stakes consisted of species such as:
-Red osier dogwood
-Black willow
-Silky willow
-Shining Willow
-Pussy Willow
-Silky dogwood
-Nanny berry