Waste Reduction Specialist
(Echo Systems)
ECHO Systems - Waste Reduction and Circular Economy Specialist
About ECHO Systems
ECHO systems has a decade of experience helping businesses minimize waste and move towards reuse and the circular economy while saving business money. Recent winner of the US and Canada Reusies award.
Use code ECHO/Excel to get 10% discount on your first service.
Website: ourechosystem.com
Contact: admin@ourechosystem.com
ECHO supports businesses in waste reduction by analyzing its current practices and addressing where waste prevention practices can be applied often saving businesses money while supporting the environment.
End-to-End reuse system development
Circular Economy Strategies
Workforce Education and Training
Container Management
Content Creation for Community Engagement
Waste Diversion Programs
Health and Safety Compliance and Regulations
Impact Reporting
How Our Container Refund Programs Work
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