PHS - Tree Tenders

Tree Tenders is a Pennsylvania Horticultural Society(PHS) informative class that teaches people how to better steward our environment and advocate for the remediation of environmental problems in our communities. Learn more about PHS tree tenders and the other events, initiatives, and resources PHS has to offer.

PHS - Tree Tenders logo (Pennsylvania Horticultural Society)

Tree Tenders Topics - What you will learn at Tree Tenders


(do not cut too close to the trunk, damaging the branch collar will prevent tree healing)



Signup for Tree Tenders

2025 Tree Tenders Classes (January 8, 2025 – February 19, 2025) 

Sign up for Tree Tenders through Penn State Extension:

Tree Tenders Class Details and Cost

Example Tree Tenders class Agenda 2025

Session Presented by Brian Wolyniak an Extension Educator at Penn State Extension

Presented by Julianne Schiffer, an Extension Educator at Penn State Extension

Presented by Vincent Cotrone, an Extension Educator at Penn State Extension

Presented by Vincent Cotrone, an Extension Educator at Penn State Extension

Presented by Asha-Lé Davis, Trees Specialist at PHS

Presented by Scott Sjolander, an Extension Educator at Penn State Extension

Presented by Vincent Cotrone, an Extension Educator at Penn State Extension

Other Environmental Education Programs